Create client loyalty; follow man’s best friend’s lead

When it comes to welcoming and celebrating others, can you think of anyone who does it better than adorable fur babies? Their sheer excitement at our mere sight boosts our confidence immensely! How can we not love pets so in love with us?

While it is in their nature, of course, to be so loving, their investment in us reaps rewards. We spoil them with treats and toys, we give them their own beds and then share our own, we pet, stroke, and give oodles and oodles of smooches. Their enthusiasm pays off; when it comes to marketing, we would do well to follow their lead.

What can we learn about marketing from our furry pals?

You don’t need to literally pat clients on their heads, and giving them smooches would be serious no-no’s. You should absolutely show them you’re happy to see them, though. You’ll be building and maintaining the kind of long-term relationships that helps practices flourish.

Everyone, e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e, wants to know they are valued and appreciated, including your clients. So let’s take a cue from our animal friends. Here’s how you can spread the love and receive it to:

  • Wag and wiggle. Show your interest and excitement when you meet new clients. Don’t drool or anything but do keep plenty of welcome cards on hand to immediately follow up. Capitalize on those initial impressions made during office visits too. Send personalized messages and signatures on thank you cards.
  • Smile from ear to ear and promote good will. Mail thank you cards to clients and colleagues to express your gratitude for their referrals and any and all of their kindnesses.
  • Snuggle up. Again, not literally, but do get to know your clients. Find out when their birthdays are and send birthday cards. And don’t forget to send them to your four-legged patients! Clients will love that you want to celebrate their fur babies.


Client loyalty is built on the big stuff – providing professional, skilled care and pleasant customer service, and the small stuff too – acknowledgments, appreciation, and celebration. Take these small extra steps and see how your own dedication, faithfulness and loyalty is rewarded.

Birthday Messages

Birthday Messages

Past Due Messages